Friday, January 25, 2008

Belajar Sejarah dan Bacaan Ayat Kursi


Ayat ini diturunkan setelah hijrah. Semasa penurunannya ia telah
diiringi oleh beribu-ribu malaikat kerana kehebatan dan kemuliaannya.

Syaitan dan iblis juga menjadi gempar kerana adanya satu perintang
dalam perjuangan mereka.Rasullah s. a. w. dengan segera memerintahkan
Zaid bt sabit menulis serta menyebarkannya.

Sesiapa yang membaca ayat Kursi dengan khusyuk setiap kali selepas
sembahyang fardhu, setiap pagi dan petang, setiap kali keluar masuk
rumah atau hendak musafir, InsyaAllah akan terpeliharalah dirinya
dari godaan syaitan,kejahatan manusia, binatang buas yang akan
memudaratkan dirinya bahkan keluarga, anak-anak, harta bendanya juga akan
terpelihara dengan izin Allah s. w. t.

Mengikut keterangan dari kitab"Asraarul Mufidah" sesiapa mengamalkan
membacanya setiap hari sebanyak 18 kali maka akan dibukakan dadanya
dengan berbagai hikmah, dimurahkan rezekinya, dinaikkan darjatnya dan
diberikannya pengaruh sehingga semua orang akan menghormatinya serta
terpelihara ia dari segala bencana dengan izin Allah.

Syeikh Abu Abbas ada menerangkan, siapa yang membacanya sebanyak 50
kali lalu ditiupkannya pada air hujan kemudian diminumnya, InsyaAllah

Allah akan mencerdaskan akal fikirannya serta memudahkannya menerima
ilmu pengetahuan Untuk amalan kita semua.....

Fadhilat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut
Hadis-Hadis Rasullullah s. a. w. bersabda bermaksud "Sesiapa pulang ke
rumahnya serta membaca ayat Kursi, Allah hilangkan segala kefakiran
di depan matanya.

Sabda baginda lagi;
"Umatku yang membaca ayat Kursi 12 kali pada pagi Jumaat, kemudian
berwuduk dan sembahyang sunat dua rakaat, Allah memeliharanya
daripada kejahatan syaitan dan kejahatan pembesar.

"Orang yang selalu membaca ayat Kursi dicintai dan dipelihara Allah
sebagaimana DIA memelihara Nabi Muhammad. Mereka yang beramal dengan
bacaan ayat Kursi akan mendapat pertolongan serta perlindungan Allah
daripada gangguan serta hasutan syaitan. Pengamal ayat Kursi juga,
dengan izin Allah, akan terhindar daripada pencerobohan
pencuri. Ayat Kursi menjadi benteng yang kuat menyekat pencuri
daripada memasuki rumah.

Mengamalkan bacaan ayat Kursi juga akan memberikan keselamatan ketika
dalam perjalanannya. Ayat Kursi yang dibaca dengan penuh khusyuk,
Insya-Allah, boleh menyebabkan syaitan dan jin terbakar. Jika anda
berpindah ke rumah baru maka pada malam pertama anda menduduki rumah
itu eloklah anda membaca ayat Kursi 100 kali, insya-Allah
mudah-mudahan anda sekeluarga terhindar daripada gangguan lahir dan batin.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat
tidurnya, Allah mewakilkan 2 Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu,
ia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah hingga sembahyang yang lain.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, tidak
menegah akan dia daripada masuk syurga kecuali maut, dan barang siapa
membacanya ketika hendak tidur,
Allah memelihara akan dia ke atas rumahnya, rumah jirannya & ahli
rumah2 di sekitarnya.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap-tiap sembahyang
Fardhu, Allah menganugerahkan dia hati-hati orang yang bersyukur
perbuatan2 orang yang benar, pahala nabi2 juga Allah melimpahkan
padanya rahmat.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka
Allah mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya, mereka semua memohon keampunan
dan mendoakan baginya.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang Allah azza
wajalla akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan ia adalah seperti
orang yang berperang bersama nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.

Barang siapa yang membaca ayat al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan
nescaya Allah berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya

Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a. , Rasullullah s. a. w. bersabda, "

Bacaan Ayat Kursi:

Cara bacaan Ayat Kursi oleh Yusuf Islam:

Google Announces End of Page Rank

Google 2.0

In a nod to Web 2.0 and in an effort to make the Google experience more user-centric, Google will end the system of assigning each web page a Page Rank based on an algorithm of links, quality and popularity. Instead, each page will have a Page Rate assigned by the readers.

Page Rate will be established by the installation of an attractive voting widget on each page allowing readers to click either an up or down arrow to show approval or disapproval of the page's content. After clicking the arrow of choice, the reader will be prompted to leave a comment about the page they just voted for. While all users are allowed to vote, only those logged into their Google account will actually have their votes counted or be allowed to comment.

Float It

Google users will also be able to go to the new "Float It" site where they may rate sites already rated by other Googlers. Once on Float It, readers are encouraged to examine pages other Floaters have submitted and vote to either "Float It" or "Sink It", thereby helping to bring exposure to the truly deserving web pages.

Trip Over It

Another method of finding pages to rate will be by using the new Google Toolbar With TripOverIt. The new toolbar will have a TripOverIt button integrated into it as well as a window showing the current page's Votes and Floats. With the toolbar installed, the user may click the "TripOverIt" button and be taken to a random web page to vote on. The user need not worry about selecting categories or preferences because the toolbar will also track their surfing habits and only serve up the kind of pages they like.

For those Googlers who want to be able to return to the pages they really liked, Google has developed Googlicious. Googlicious is a social bookmarking community that allows users to connect and share their favorite pages.

Limitations and Restrictions

While it is required that each page have the Page Rate Widget installed to qualify for a Page Rate, the site owner is not allowed to have any other voting or submission widgets on the page. Neither may the site owner ask for votes or refer to the widget in any way. The site owner also may not, under any circumstances, click their own widget. If a site owner clicks their own widget or in any way attempts to commit widget fraud, all pages owned by that owner will be removed from the Page Rate Program, will be disallowed from Organic Search Results and the Googlebot will be instructed to break all of the links on the page and screw up the CSS code on its way out.


Rankings will still be scored on a 10 point system based on a proprietary algorithm of Up Votes, Down Votes, Float Its, Sink Its, Bookmarks and the quality of comments received.

From The Founders

In an interview posted on the Google blog, the founders of Google were asked if they were trying to take over the entire internet. Sergey Brin adamantly stated, "We absolutely are not trying to take over the internet!" Co-founder Larry Page interjected, "We don't like to use the word 'trying'."

Friday, January 11, 2008

Crime Prevention Tips

  • When you leave home, make sure all the doors and windows are locked.

  • At home, never open the door to a caller until you know who it is.

  • You should have a peep-hole in the front door so that you can see who is out there.

  • When you go out at night, leave a light on.

  • Before leaving on a trip,
    a. stop all deliveries
    b. connect a light to a timer
    c. notify the police
    d. have a neighbour or relative check your home from time to time.

  • Always park in a well-lit, bustling area or in parking lots that have attendants.

  • Never leave valuables or keys in your car.

  • Never leave your parking ticket or chip coin inside the car.

  • Never leave the car running even if you'll only be gone for a minute.

  • Always park with the windows up and the doors locked.

  • Be careful while getting into your car. Watch for suspicious characters lurking nearby.

  • Never pick up hitch-hikers.

  • If you have a flat tyre in an area that does not seem safe, try to keep driving until you reach a safer location.

  • If you are being followed by another vehicle, drive to the nearest police or fire station.

  • Keep your car in good running condition. Make sure there's enough fuel to get you to your destination and back.

  • Do not get out of your car if it is suddenly blocked by another motorist. Lock your door and try to manoeuvre out of there. Remember, an assailant who gets out of his vehicle to approach your car is the vulnerable one.

  • Keep your valuables out of sight.

  • Stay alert and follow your instincts.

  • Keep handbags or slingbags on the shoulder that is away from the road.

  • Avoid taking shortcuts through deserted areas.

  • If someone asks for directions, keep a polite but safe distance.

  • If a thief demands your valuables, hand them over; your life is worth more. If possible, throw them away from you and run.

  • You're safer in the company of others. If you must be out alone, stay away from dark corners, alleys and doorways.

  • Keep your ID, driving licence, credit cards, etc in a pocket or concealed pouch to reduce the risk of losing them to thieves.

  • If you are robbed, try to remember the attacker's face, the licence plate number and the make of his vehicle. This information could save others.

  • Report all incidents of snatch theft to the police.


  • Make sure your child travels in a group, to and from school. Children in groups are generally safer.

  • Never let your child walk or cycle to school alone, day or night.

  • If circumstances require your child to travel alone, check out the route he takes when travelling to school. Make note of any potential hiding places for criminals.

  • Look for shortcuts your child might use; be sure that these do not take him through unsafe areas or out of public view. Agree on safe routes with your child.

  • Get to know the families of your child's friends.

  • Advise your child not to hitch-hike or accept rides from friends unless you have given your permission.

  • Tell your child to report any suspicious behaviour or characters to the school authorities.


  • Always travel in pairs or groups. Never walk or cycle alone.

  • Do not take shortcuts through lonely areas.

  • Make sure your parents get to know your friends' parents.

  • Don't accept anything - gifts or rides - from strangers.

  • If a stranger or a strange vehicle approaches you, keep walking or run if you have to.

  • If you see a suspicious character hanging around the school or its entrance, tell a teacher.

  • Wait in line to get on the school bus. Do not push or shove.

  • Don't play in the street while waiting for your transport home.

  • If you travel by bus, wait for it to stop before you get on or off.

  • Don't run in front of or behind the bus to cross the road. Oncoming vehicles might not see you. Wait for the bus to move away before you cross the road.

    Cops begin massive search for Sharlinie

    Cops begin massive search for Sharlinie

    PETALING JAYA: Police have begun a massive search for five-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar who disappeared from a playground about 200m from her house in Taman Medan on Wednesday.

    Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said a task force headed by Petaling Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed has been formed with Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor police.

    Where is she?: Children living near Sharlinie's house in PJS2 holding up a poster showing the missing girl Thursday. Sharlinie has been missing since Wednesday. AZMAN GHANI / The Star
    He said posters of Sharlinie and the photofit of a suspect in the attempted abduction of a six-year-old girl near her flat in Kampung Sepakat on Monday, about 2km from where Sharlinie went missing, have also been sent to all police stations located at the borders.

    The girl was found three hours later in Wangsa Maju.

    Musa said there was a possibility that the suspect was linked to the abduction of Sharlinie and the previous cases in Kampung Baru.

    “We have told them to be on the lookout for anyone trying to cross the border with a girl fitting the description of Sharlinie.

    “We have also alerted all airports and our counterparts in neighbouring countries to be on the lookout,” he told reporters at a joint press conference with Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil at the Petaling Jaya police station yesterday.

    Musa said the police want to interview those who saw Sharlinie being abducted.

    “The incident occurred about 11am. At that time there were several stalls and people in the area.

    “So those who might have witnessed the incident should come forward to help us identify the criminals involved in the case,” he said, adding that this would enable the police to take swift action in locating the girl and nabbing the culprits.

    He said those with information on Sharlinie’s whereabouts could contact her father Mohd Nashar Mat Hussain at 016-258 3450 / 016-270 9096 or call the police at 03-7966 2222 or Rakan Cop at 03-2115 9999.

    Asked about a phone call and text message received by Sharlinie’s father, Musa said police were investigating its authenticity.

    “People should only give genuine information and not take advantage of other people’s grief,” he said.

    Musa said he has directed Selangor CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar to discuss with the Taman Medan Village Security and Development Committee on having parents or an elderly person from every housing estate at playgrounds.

    “By doing this, everyone, including parents and the police, will be able to monitor the children,” he said.

    Saturday, January 5, 2008

    Shirts For Sale !!

    futher info:
    qiela : (+60)012-6568390
    yunee : (+60)17-5528535


    Just bought and installed 2 new fans very colourfull it check it out.

    Computer Specs:
    Microsoft Windows XP Pro
    Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHZ with HyperThreading
    Kingston 512MB RAM 300MHZ
    MSI P4M800 Motherboard MSI 7104
    400W standard Power Supply
    52x CD BURNER
    21" Samsung SyncMaster Monitor


    Found this website on the net. Pretty neat website. It is a MP3 SEARCH ENGINE website. Something like google but instead of searching for websites, this website search for mp3! :) .
    From my understanding, it is Malaysian Based and it is Malaysia's #1 MP3 SEARCH ENGINE ( i guess because never see this kind of website before ). Well im adding their button on my blog because i love them so much. I managed to find some old school songs on their website. Such as Grease love it so much !!